My Life

My Life
I am happily married for 38 years. We have 3 married children and 6 beautiful grandchildren.Join me as I journey through life...

Monday, April 22, 2013


As I said in my earlier post, I had to go and have a diagnostic mammogram done for something the radiologist saw on my screening mammo. I was terrified and a nervous wreck. I went and had it done and it was all ok! Thank you, Jesus!  What they were looking at was on the scan last year, but, appeared to have gotten bigger. Not so, said the radiologist after looking at the repeat scan this time. Everything was fine. I wish I could learn to not react so quickly and wait until I have something to worry about. That's not how I'm built tho, I guess. I've suffered for over 20 years with anxiety and panic attacks. Not fun!! I've had so many times that I've had to leave a function or gathering, store, whatever, because I was having a huge panic attack. Over the years, I've started to learn how to deal with them. I've learned different coping mechanisms that have helped immensely. Occasionally, they still like to rear their ugly head, though.  I've learned to talk to myself the way I would talk to a friend who would be going through the same thing. That really does help. I can try to " talk myself down".
I've just got to learn how to live while I'm alive( as Jon BonJovi says) and stop worrying so much! :)

1 comment:

  1. I had this same thing happen last year & it's always so scary. I'm thankful for you that it was a 'nothing' event. But you are so wise to be super careful. Let's keep on being careful!!
